Saturday, August 23, 2008

my kitty

adopt your own virtual pet!

My Pet

adopt your own virtual pet!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Term3 week6

Dear journal,
Today, I am going to write about Racial Harmony. The words "Racial Harmony" mean peace among races, religions and cultures to me. It is important to have racial harmony in Singapore as without it, there would be riots in the streets and no one would dare to walk along the streets alone. I have a friend from a different race. She is a eurasian and from Australia. I got to know her as her mom and my mom were the best of friends since pre-school. She visits us occasinally and my mom and I visit her sometimes too. She has a dog but my mom never let me near it. I hope that there would always be racial harmony in this world.


Dear Journal,
Today,I am going to write about cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is about writing something nasty about others on a website. These people are engaged in cyberbullying as they are provoked by the person or just for the fun of it. We can stop these people from cyberbullying by asking them why are they doing it and if it was because he or she was provoked, we can get both victim and cyberbully to apologise to each other.