Saturday, September 20, 2008


Dear journal,
Today, I am going to write about my exams. To me, I think I fared not to badly, as I improved from my SAI. I have already started on my revision for SAII. It is true when Ms Lee said that our science was especially crucial as there is so much to learn in p5 plus p3 and p4. The 2 biggest topics are forces and simple machines and electricity. Oh boy! Guess I have to work harder then.


Dear journal,
On this national day, I would like to wish Singapore a happy birthday and best wishes to those in the Olympics. Good luck !!!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Dear journal,
Today, I am going to write about interllectual property. I find that too many people are using Youtube to watch movies instead of buying tickets to watch them in the cinemas. Although it is free and you do not have to purchase a ticket to watch it, the people who had made the movie will lose a lot of money as most people will be watching the movie on YouTube rather than watching the movie in the cinema.I feel that the people who posted the movie on You Tube should not have done so so that the people who made the movie will not lose money.